Reducing Risk in Will Drafting

July 26, 2021

How can you ensure that your practice is as secure as possible when drafting Wills and other private client documents? Here we look at some of the biggest risk factors and how they can be overcome in your practice.


Outdated Clauses

Changes in law inevitably leads to changes in clauses. If you do not have an automated solution to update the clauses, when necessary, this can mean adding in outdated and therefore defunct clauses. This can have devastating consequences for your clients if their Wills are written with clauses that were incorrect at the time. Therefore, it is important to have a reliable system whereby these clauses are kept updated regularly. With Arken, you can be assured that all clauses are as up to date as possible with our legal advisory board meeting regularly and there is no need to go back and change clauses whilst in the drafting process as this will happen automatically.


Using different clauses across the team

If each person in your team is using their own clauses, this makes it almost impossible to have oversight and total confidence in everything that is being produced without having to read every single document that is created. By using Arken, you can have assurance that every document written is using the same text and format, therefore ensuring consistency in both the legal text and the firm styling.


Data not being stored

The need to secure client’s data has now become a key focus needed for law firms to be aware of, and not managing that data correctly can lead to potential devastating financial issue. That is why, having a secure way of accessing this data is really important. Using Arken ensures that all your client’s information is stored on our highly secure cloud platform*. Client data can only be accessed by verified users with their own password so that you can be rest assured that all your clients’ data is secure and confidential.


Legal matters

Particularly if you rely on junior team members to draft Wills, they can be forgiven for sometimes not fully understanding and appreciating consequences of various legal scenarios. However, without legal matters being flagged if incorrect, this can lead to devastating consequences for your clients for both emotional and financial issues. Arken has mandatory fields that  flag various scenarios for example leaving the estate to the spouse and then a life interest to the spouse too.  These mandatory fields will not let documents be completed if vital information has not been included or scenarios do not work. This will be obviously flagged and has easy navigation to help guide all users on where a correction needs to be made.


There are various ways in which Will writing creates risks for both yourself and the organisations so having all the additional features in place will provide greater peace of mind.


* uses industry-leaders AWS as their cloud provider

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